Tuesday, November 6, 2012

100 Things about J:

1. Jeah Dianne Rabara Martinez
2. My name should be Jeah Dianne Rose. It sucks. HAHAHA
3. My name is inspired by Leah Salonga and Princess Diana :)
4. July 17, 1992 (TwenTEEN!!!!)
5. Premature baby (7mons.)
6. Eldest among my cousins (mother's side)
7. Grandma's favorite ♥
8. Honeymoon baby :)
9. Allergic to chicken, seafoods and sweets
10. Scholastican by heart ♥
11. During my kindergarten year, I was brought to the guidance office due to accusing a classmate of being adopted and shouting it in front of the whole class.
12. I have this flirty attitude of friending my crushes.
13. I don't like owning stuff toys but I love poking them in malls.
14. I go gaga over spaghetti. Like I can live for a week just eating spaghetti.
15. I hate cockroaches, rats and lizards.
16. Interested in traveling the world. (Paris, NY, Greece, Dubai, Egypt & Canada)
17. I was operated on my thigh. First with 20 stitches. Second with 7 stitches.
18. Before, I like to be a veterinarian, stewardess, astronaut and advertiser but I decided to take up Occupational Therapy. HAHAHA
19. I enjoy watching physically brutal movies like Saw, Wrong Turn, etc.
20. I have at least 30 bags and still counting.
21. I would like to collect wrist watches and signature perfumes.
22. I'm more of a morning person than evening person.
23. I can't sleep without pillows and blanket.
24. As of now, I am collecting cute colored underwear and brassiere.
25. When not in the mood, I don't talk.
26. Not opening any conversation with people I don't like to talk to.
27. I have a very very very long patience.
28. If I get mad, I can kill you.
29. I can sleep wearing jacket ONLY :P
30. I eat at least 30 minutes per meal. Really sloooow.
31. I go horny when my ears were touched.
32. I always have a wrist watch, handkerchief and travel toothbrush.
33. I love cleaning my belly button.
34. Not shaving my legs but my "you-know-what" and underarms when swimming.
35. I have hyper acidity.
36. The only rings I wore were the ring from my father and from my ex-girlfriend.
37. I have 3 groups of friends. Bi friends, straight friends and something between the two. HAHAHAHA
38. I can do split, back bend, one-leg stand and hand stand.
39. I occasionally bite my nails.
40. When you put me down, I'll make sure you'll eat your words.
41. I have one serious relationship with a girl for four years.
42. I failed 4 subjects in my life.
43. I can dance, sing and act. But not that good. HAHAHA
44. Playing swimming, badminton and taekwondo.
45. My first out-of-the-country trip was in Singapore.
46. I don't eat string beans.
47. I love baby pink and sky blue.
48. Having a hard time of letting people/things go.
49. Kinda sensitive but I really don't show it.
50. Revengeful. It's my motivation.
51. Love, Masinop, Gentle, Kind, Thoughtful, Alert, Reliant, Hopeful, St. Rose, St. Lucy, St. Lioba, St. Teresa
52. You can call me "J" if we're close.
53. I work in Kumon as a checker in preschool.
54. My favorite movies are Titanic and So Close.
55. I love surprises. But I was never given a successful surprise. HAHAHA
56. Stargazers ♥
57. I use slippers even inside our house and bathroom. HAHAHAHA
58. I like Taylor Swift's songs. Full of stories! hihihi.
59. I'm afraid of the dark.
60. I brush my teeth for at least 3 minutes.
61. Dog lover ♥
62. Outgoing
63. I love to eat exotic foods!
64. YFC for 5 years and counting.
65. Served YFC UST and YFC Marikina
66. I have a band before named Catwalk. All-girls. HAHAHA
67. I can play the guitar and even the bass.
68. I was a class officer for 4 straight years: ALL TREASURER
69. I committed infidelity. (before)
70. I am numb when I am drunk.
71. Pucca is my first cross-stitched masterpiece.
72. I attempted suicide when I had my first heartbreak (so crazy in love)
73. I had my retainer when I was in Grade School. Now, got my braces!
74. Inconsistent handwriting.
75. I do not smoke. I hate smokers.
76. I want to learn how to cook.
77. Complacent sometimes.
78. My biggest insecurity is my body. HAHA I AM SO FAT.
79. I want to have a boyfriend who has the same traits as my father.
80. I believe in true love waits.
81. I love Hello Kitty. :)
82. I pushed my brother from the highest step of the stairs when we fought a long time ago. Btw, he's very alive. HAHAHA
83. Sleeping is what I love.
84. I need my Me-Time once in a while.
85. I hate sales ladies who interrupt me when I am shopping.
86. I cannot stroll around the mall alone.
88. Sometimes, I am materialistic.
89. I love trying new restaurants and taking pictures of their place and food.
90. I named my hot dog pillows as "KAKAK"
91. Dissected frog, turtle, shark, pigeon, cat, and cadaver.
92. I like stepping on other person's shoes.
93. I am never grade conscious not until college.
94. Got weird facial expressions.
95. I do my shower for at least 30 minutes.
96. I get heartburn when I drink too much liquor.
97. I talk to myself. HAHAHA Sounds crazy :D
98. Attended summer classes in University of the East. HAHA Thomasian Warrior!
99. Mastered adaptation.
100. I am what I am. Deal with it =)))

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